DryFruits & Nuts

Pure organic Diets Impact

A Peoples’ company: Driven by the aim to contribute to the community and the people we work with

We have invested our capital in developing 154 hectares of the community’s land as a sugarcane farm. This has resulted in several benefits for the community. One of the primary benefits being that it provides a steady source of income to the community association, allowing them to improve their standard of living.

Following a Fairtrade model, the farm generates a yearly revenue for the community association to be used for the betterment of the community – be it education, healthcare or infrastructure development. All of which will in turn, positively impact on the well-being of the community and contribute to the local economy.

The community farm is also a great opportunity for interested members to learn about sustainable agriculture and gain the skills needed to set up their own individual farms. The Company provides training and support to those who come forward to learn.

Exposure to organic farming practices has helped them understand the risks and rewards of sustainable agriculture. This awareness leads to environmental conservation and sustainability.


In 6 Core Principles

Care For All Stakeholders

Ethical Functioning

Respect for Workers & Rights and Welfare

Respect for Human Rights

Respect for Environment

Respect for Environment